Page 3 - MScAI - Master of science in Artificial Intelligence
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Applied to society

                                                                 TRANSPORTATION / MOBILITY

                                                                 Transportation accounts for a large part of energy consumption. Private
                  SUSTAINABLE ENERGY                             cars are a major source of pollution. Transitioning to new forms of shared

                                                                 / sustainable mobility poses a huge challenge. Artificial intelligence has
             Renewable energy plays a huge part in the building of a better future, and   a major contribution to make in the mobility revolution, particularly the
             Artificial Intelligence is a fundamental building block of the clean energy   multimodal urban mobility of the future.
             transition:  contributing  to  the  improvement  and  acceleration  of  the   Crucial areas  include  designing resilient  public  transport networks,
             energy industry; improving our ability to understand and forecast energy   addressing road safety for autonomous vehicles, predicting traffic flows
             demand; managing network infrastructures; sustainably managing natural   to minimize congestion, AI for transport operations planning / regulation
             resources in a way that is balanced.                and asset management.
             We face a further challenge as we strive to make AI energy efficient, by
             optimizing AI architectures to balance efficiency and energy consumption.   Join us as we apply Artificial Intelligence to designing new forms of
             Become a part of Energy Transition through AI, and join the Energy track   mobility for tomorrow.
             in the Msc AI!

                                                                   INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE

                                                                 Digital, physical and virtual worlds generate huge shifts in industry.
             HEALTHCARE / BIOMEDICAL                             Artificial intelligence is central to this revolution. Typical examples of how
                                                                 AI contributes to industry transformation include predictive maintenance,
             Artificial intelligence is a powerful lever for improving medicine and   digital twins and robotics.
             healthcare. The benefits of Artificial Intelligence in medicine and health
             are everywhere to be seen: improved pathology detection and diagnosis;   The industrial systems of the future will involve a form of collaboration
             personalized medicine; informed patient care; better organized healthcare   between human operators and software agents in which the two
             systems.                                            work together (man-machine teaming). The challenges of this field of
             AI technologies and methods have already been proven successful in a   application require trustworthy, safe, robust and explainable AI in order to
             variety of health applications and the potential to progress yet further is   design industrial systems of the future that are driven by humans.
                                                                 Join our program if you want to be a part of inventing and designing the
             In this sector more than in others, AI designers are faced with ethical   industry of tomorrow
             questions concerning respect for private data.

             If you are interested in using AI to build a more efficient healthcare sector
             that shows respect for the patient, come and join the MSc AI health track.

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