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S/1                               PLASTIC REPAIR SYSTEM 2011 S.L
                                                                        Tlf: +34 948 277 058
                                       PRS                              Email:                                     NAVARRE (SPAIN)
                                  (PLASTIC REPAIR                       Web:
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   PRS offers its repair service to any company in the food, meat, and fishing industries that work  Plastic repair solutions that are performed using thermowelding with a supply of high-density
                                                   with repairable plastic products: Boxes, jumbos and pallets for storage and transport, reefer  virgin material manufactured exclusively. The wire is also made of food-grade material in
                  Agri-food sector companies
                                                   boxes and containers, plastic parts for vehicles and machinery, and tanks and reservoirs for  accordance with European regulations. The core value of the repair can be summarised as
                                                   liquid storage.                                            cost reduction, reduction of environmental impact and generation of positive social impact.
                                                   Companies that process plastic outside the agri-food sector. PRS offers its repair service to   Plastic repair solutions that are performed using thermowelding with a supply of high-density
                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic                                           virgin material manufactured exclusively. The core value of the repair can be summarised as
                  outside the agri-food sector     any company that works with repairable plastic products.   cost reduction, reduction of environmental impact and generation of positive social impact.
                                                   PRS offers its repair service to any company that works with repairable plastic products:  Plastic repair solutions that are performed using thermowelding with a supply of high-density virgin
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and   Companies in the auxiliary industry (offering machinery and capital goods), the primary sector  material manufactured exclusively. The wire is also made of food-grade material in accordance with
                  services to the agri-food sector  (agricultural production, livestock, fishing companies and fish farms) and distribution compa-  European regulations. The core value of the repair can be summarised as cost reduction, reduction
                                                   nies (superstores, traditional distribution).              of environmental impact and generation of positive social impact.
                                                   Investment  companies  looking  for  opportunities  to  diversify  and  create  new  business  PRS is a company with a vast potential, with a patented and certified repair system and an
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in   activities inside and outside Spain. Possibility of entering new countries through collaboration  easily  replicable  business  model.  PRS  has  the  potential  for  new  operations  in  Spain  and
                  other activities                 with industry professionals and alike.                     abroad, with business agreements that allow the transfer of its repair technique, computer
                                                                                                              application, business model, technical advice, and training of new workers.

                                                   - R&D Centres                                              - PRS is open to R&D partnerships with other centers on new materials and continuous improvement. Its
                                                   - Organisations, collectives and promoters related to the subject of interest of the project:  patented repair system is backed by independent scientific studies.
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   Circular Economy, plastics...               - Reference of Best Practice in EC: Repair is the primary mechanism for preserving the value of products
                  promote circular economy in general                                                         and materials. Plastics are particularly polluting and abundant materials and contribute to the generation
                                                                                                              of positive social impact. Collaboration with public entities has been crucial in its success (it has received
                                                                                                              financial support from FEDER funds, Start Up Capital Navarra and Sociedad de Promoción de Empresas)
                             Contribution to environmental impact                             Contribution to economic impact               Contribution to social impact
                         - PRS business is part of the circular model that promotes efficient use of resources, which, among  -  Permanent  focus  on  the  needs  and  preferences  of  the  customer.  -  Local  development  of  the  area,  generation  of  local
      Design for Circularity  other consequences, limits the environmental impact associated with the production process that
      Maintenance/Repair   would lead to the manufacture of a new product and the management of the product considered as   Attraction and loyalty of customers because by repairing their products  employment.
      Reuse and recirculation  waste. Thus, we can say that repairing and reusing goods made of plastic produces a significant   they are increasing their efficiency which translates into a reduction in  - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), PRS is based
      Remanufacturing    reduction in waste ( minimisation of polluting waste by preventing repaired products from going to   costs. It is estimated that repairing a product with respect to its replace- on the basic principles of social responsibility, sustainabi-
      Revaluation        landfill), in the consumption of raw materials, water and energy.   ment by a new one entails an average cost reduction of 65% – 70%.   lity, and honesty such as providing support for the social
      Recycling          - The environmental impact associated with the consumption of fossil resources related to plastics  - Maintaining top quality levels in its services and products. The method  inclusion of people with disabilities through their employ-
      Energy recovery    deserves to be highlighted. In general, it can be said that 1 kg plastic      3.5 kg CO . The reduction of   it uses, named “PRS Thermowelding System”, is the only patented and   ment in the Approved Workshop Network.  8 of the 20 PRS
                         carbon footprint in plastic repair is greater than that of recycling. In 2017 alone, PRS repaired more
      Product as a Service  than 100 different products such as: pallets, boxes, containers, tanks, kayaks, etc., which in total   certified method. The Technological Institute of Plastics (AIMPLAS) and   workshops are CEE
                         amounted to more than 1,263 tons of recovered plastic, which represents a CO  retention of more than  the  Multidisciplinary  Centre  of  Technologies  for  Industry  (CEMITEC)   - Easy accessibility to services, expanding the Approved -
                         1,126 tons. It is also ISO 14001 certified.                   provide this certification                     - Workshop Network
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    PRS is responsible for the repair, maintenance, and adaptation of any   The solution offered by PRS depends on the type of damage:  You can search the Approved Workshop Network of PRS
    goods made of plastic, both for companies and individuals.  - Thermowelding method for repair of damaged objects                 through the following link:
    Its value proposition is based on four commitments: Corporate Social   - Repair or replacement of accessories
    Responsibility, Environment, Society, and Customers.  - Reinforcement of weak points, preventing future damage         
    It seeks solutions adapted to the needs of the customer, offering top   - Adaptation of solutions to suit every need.
    quality service at a very competitive cost.    To provide accessible and fast service, PRS has an extensive                      At present it works for the following sectors: Automotive,
    Its repair method is patented and certified, and has been proven to be the   network  of  Approved  Workshops  that  offer  nationwide   Beverages, Fruit and Vegetable, Meat, Pooling, Fishing,
    best plastic repair method on the market.      coverage.                                                                         Food  Retail,  Chemical,  Pharmaceutical,  Solid  Urban
                                                   It  also  has  mobile  units  for  the  repair  of  objects  that                 Waste, ...
                                                   cannot be moved to the workshops

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