Page 43 - Catalog ITCS
P. 43

Silvia Delgado (Area manager)
                                     C/14                               Tel: +34 686 947 694|
                                                                        Email:                  SPAIN
                                    Fres-co Green                       It is distributed both in France and Spain.
                                                                        Fres-Co distributor in Spain. The distributor in France is Goglio.
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Packing companies for ready-to-eat products (E.g. coffees, teas, etc.)  Increases the value proposition due to its recyclable and compostable nature and contribution
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                  to the environment. Emphasizes that all packaging, including the valve is recyclable

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector

                  Companies that offer technological solutions and
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                                                   Entities fostering Circular Economy in general              Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region. It can be applied to a sector that genera-
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that                                                tes considerable waste in municipalities such as the hospitality industry.
                  promote circular economy in general

                             Contribution to environmental impact                             Contribution to economic impact               Contribution to social impact
                         - Minimum environmental impact, due to the elimination of plastics in the packaging design.  - Increases the value proposition of the product, due to its   - Easy recycling and compostability
      Design for Circularity
      Maintenance/Repair   - Easy recycling (in the organic matter container, for later composting?)  compostable nature                   - Same features but with better environmental
      Reuse and recirculation
      Remanufacturing                                                                       - There is no large initial investment, just a product change as it is   impact
                                                                                            originally designed for use with industry standard machines.
      Energy recovery                                                                       -  The  product  can  be  sold  as  a  generator  of  better  environmental
      Product as a Service

                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    [Information addressed to USER PACKING COMPANY in its production   - [Information addressed to USER PACKING COMPANY in its   Fres-co Green
    process, rather than to END CONSUMER]          production process, rather than to END CONSUMER]                                               Caffè Molinari
                                                   - The price varies according to the machine available
    - Multilayer material combining biopolymers, regenerated cellulose and   with the coffee producer (depending on factors such as:
    green tea extracts                             speed of the machine, width of the reels, printing colours,
    - General packaging                            discards to be produced, etc.)
    - Same mechanical properties as traditional packaging  - The price can double that of conventional packa-
    - EN13432 and OK Compost certified              ging.  This  depends  on  factors  such  as:  what  type  of
    - At the end of its life it is completely compostable  machine is used, the size, how many colours it has, etc.
    - Reduction of packaging
    - Prevents contamination by gases thanks to its valve, also compostable  - Substitution of its initial product with the new one,
    - Biocompatible with both food and people.     made from renewable and compostable materials. It
                                                   is made from the biopolymer PLA (Extracted from starches)
    -  Film  customisable  according  to  the  machinery  available  to  the   and  cellophane  (cellulose)  to  which  a  metallic  lacquer  is
    customer.                                      applied.
    - Spanish company (Fres-co company, belonging to the Italian Goglio
    group)                                         - It is important to inform the final consumer that the
                                                   container to which it must be removed is the brown
                                                   container (for treatment of organic matter)
                                                   - Designed for coffee packaging.
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