Page 38 - Catalog ITCS
P. 38

C/9                                Carlos Rodríguez (Sales Manager)
                                                                        Tél: + 351 263 519  180|
                                  Agro Biofilm mulch                     Email:                                         PORTUGAL
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Farmers that use traditional mulch films                    Time and cost savings. BioAgri is biodegradable and compostable mulch film, so no collection
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                  from the field, nor disposal of the film, is required.

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector

                                                   Companies that offer solutions to the first sector.         Opportunity to distribute their product. They do not have a distributor in Spain and France, but
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and                                            they are interested. Currently, they sell the product directly to the interested farmer.
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Environmental public entities              - Reduction of environmental pollution due to incomplete collection of traditional agricultural
                  promote circular economy in general  - Entities fostering Circular Economy in general        mulching film.
                                                                                                               - Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region
   Fit in Circular Economy   Contribution to environmental impact                             Contribution to economic impact               Contribution to social impact
                         - Minimum environmental impact (no contamination of the substrate)  - There is no initial investment for machinery, it is used like   - It avoids the remains of polluting polymer in
      Design for Circularity                                                                 conventional films.
      Maintenance/Repair   - Since the film is biodegraded at each harvest there is no need to transport waste.  - As the film is composted, the customer reduces the cost of labour, as   the  crops,  providing  a  better  quality  and
                                                                                                                                           healthy product.
      Reuse and recirculation                                                                there is no need to remove it
      Remanufacturing                                                                        - The product itself is more expensive than conventional.
      Revaluation                                                                                                                          -  Reduction  of  pollution  in  surroundings
                                                                                                                                           adjacent to crops (rivers, mountains, animals,
      Energy recovery                                                                                                                      etc.)
      Product as a Service

                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    - Mulching film compostable and biodegradable based on corn   - Change of material         Agro Biofilm Mulch                     - Vine: Biodegradable mulch film as an alternative to PE
    starch.                                                                                                                         mulch film used in southern France.
    - EN 13432, DIN 54900, UNI 10785 certified      - Ordering agricultural mulching film producers more                              - Melon: Hortofrutícolas Campelos, in Benfica-do-Ribate-
    - Useful life (up to decomposition) according to the requirements of the   frequently (no storage)                              jo, Portugal.
    crop. There are 4 different Rolls based on usage time                                                                           - Pepper:  Hortofrutícolas Campelos, in Benfica-do-Riba-
    - Avoids the use of pesticides or herbicides   - Land occupied until decomposition                                              tejo, Portugal.
    - Simple operation                                                                                                              -  Strawberry:  In  Portugal  and  Spain.  Hortofrutícolas
    - Faster and more efficient production          - No minimum order                                                               Campelos  (Portugal),  Explotaciones  Agrarias  Garrido
    - No need to add structuring products                                                                                           Mora  (Huelva)  and  experimental  fields  of  ADEVSA
    - It is implanted in the same way as the normal film, only the tension   - Prices based on stock                                 (Agroindustry Technological Centre, Huelva).
    of the machine needs to be regulated
    - Avoids mulching film waste in the soil        - The most common film (3 to 6 months cycle): €                                   In France it is used mainly in vineyards, and they have
    - Saves time and costs as it does not have to be removed  500/ roll (according to season)                                       films for crops with durability of 3-6 months, 6 months-1
    - Accelerates growth and retains water in the soil.                                                                             year.  Marketed since 2013.
    - Company with over 50 years experience in the sector  - Roll sizes: 1.8m x 2.2km
                                                                                                                                    The  disinfectant  can  accelerate  the  biodegradation
                                                                                                                                    process of the film.

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