Page 39 - Catalog ITCS
P. 39

C/10                               Rosa Puig Moré
                                                                        Tél +34 722613537
                                     MATER-BI                           email:                          ITALY
                                    mulching film              
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Farmers that use traditional mulch films                    It enables to save time and costs in the collection of the material as it is a biodegradable and
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                  compostable film in the soil, according to the European standard UNE EN 17033, so it is not
                                                                                                              necessary to remove it at the end of the crop as it is biodegradable once added to the ground.

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector

                  Companies that offer technological solutions and
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                                                   - Environmental public entities                             - Avoids environmental pollution due to incomplete collection of traditional agricultural mulching film.
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Entities fostering Circular Economy in general  - Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region
                  promote circular economy in general                                                          - Eliminates the problem of managing waste film with soil, very expensive to recycle.

   Fit in Circular Economy   Contribution to environmental impact                             Contribution to economic impact               Contribution to social impact
                         - Minimum environmental impact (no contamination of the substrate)  -  There  is  no  initial  investment  for  machinery,  it  is  installed  like   - It avoids the remains of polluting polyethylene
      Design for Circularity                                                                conventional films.
      Maintenance/Repair   - Since the film is biodegraded in each crop there is no need to transport or manage waste.  - As the film is biodegraded in the soil, the farmer reduces the labour   in  the  crops,  providing  a  better  quality  and
                                                                                                                                          healthy product.
      Reuse and recirculation                                                               costs, as there is no need to remove it, also saving the cost of waste
      Remanufacturing                                                                       management.
      Revaluation                                                                           - The product itself is more expensive than the conventional one if the   -  Reduction  of  pollution  in  surroundings
                                                                                                                                          adjacent  to  crops  (rivers,  mountains,  animals,
                                                                                            price of the latter does not include the associated cost of removing the
      Recycling                                                                             film, waste management and environmental impact, which is avoided
      Energy recovery                                                                       with the use of biodegradable film.            etc.)
      Product as a Service                                                                  - There are subsidies for biodegradable mulching of 50% of its cost,
                                                                                            defined in the Royal Decree that regulates the operational funds for
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    - Agricultural mulching film based on corn starch biodegradable  in   -  Change  of  material  and  likely  minor  adaptation.  The    Video references in the peninsula
    soil.                                          main and biggest change is the need to reduce the tension of            
    - “Biodegradable in soil” certificates from TUV AUSTRIA and certifica-  the machine spreading the mulching film.                                v=FX32Moyc89k
    te from DinCertco that certifies the fulfillment of the European standard
    UNE EN 17033.                                  - Tight stock management due to likely loss of mechani-                                     Video Cal Valls farm
    - Experience with a wide variety of crop types.  cal characteristics of the material if storage conditions are          
    -  Useful  life  (up  to  decomposition)  customised  according  to  the   not correct. It is advisable not to store the biodegradable       v=blhGVlNwRx8
    requirements of the crop.                      mulching film for more than one year, and to keep it in its
    - Avoids the use of pesticides or herbicides.  original packaging, in a dry place, without moisture or direct                    Video Santiago Apostol cooperative (Nafarroa)
    - Simple operation                             contact with the sun light.                                             
    - Faster and more efficient production                                                                                                        v=v1Q7F_vV4N4
    - It is installed in the same way as the normal film, only the tension of   - With a purchase price 2.5 times more expensive than
    the machine needs to be regulated.             the traditional film. Although the thickness can be reduced                         Video Santiago Apostol cooperative Tomato
    - Avoids the accumulation of non-biodegradable film waste in the   using film of 15 microns instead of 25 microns, making it                    (Nafarroa)
    soil.                                          more competitive.                                                       
    - Saves time and costs as the film does not have to be removed at the                                                                         v=m5SfP_p2F7w
    end of the crop.
    - Accelerates growth and retains water in the soil.
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