Page 40 - Catalog ITCS
P. 40

Joris van Calcar (Sales Manager)
                                     C/11                               Tél: +31-515 487 676
                                 Elite Biotwine 100%                    Email:                                       NETHERLANDS
                                   Biodegradable                        /
                                                                        [ The distributor in Spain is located in Las Palmas. The company name is Hidroteq: ]
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Farmers who use rope to hold crops.                        Reduction of harmfull waste to the environment and the possibility of being able to treat the
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                  waste themselves by composting.

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector

                                                   Companies that offer solutions to the first sector.         Opportunity to distribute the product in France. They do not have a distributor in France, but
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and                                            they are open about having it.
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                                                   - Environmental public entities                             -  Reduction  of  environmental  contamination  derived  from  the  incomplete  collection  of
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Entities fostering Circular Economy in general  traditional ropes.
                  promote circular economy in general                                                          - Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region.
                             Contribution to environmental impact                             Contribution to economic impact               Contribution to social impact
                         - Minimum environmental impact (no contamination of the substrate)  - Direct application. The material does not require any adaptation, it is   - It avoids the remains of polluting polymer in
      Design for Circularity
      Maintenance/Repair   - The biodegradability of the material reduces the need to transport the waste.  used as regular rope.          the  crops,  providing  a  better  quality  and
                                                                                                                                           healthy product.
      Reuse and recirculation
      Remanufacturing                                                                       -  The  ropes  compost,  so  their  retirement  is  a  lot  more  simple  and
                                                                                            reduces working time.
      Revaluation                                                                           - The product can be sold as a generator with a lower environmental   -Reduction  of  pollution  in  surroundings
                                                                                                                                           adjacent to crops (rivers, mountains, animals,
      Energy recovery                                                                       impact.                                        etc.)
      Product as a Service
                                                                                            - The product itself is more expensive than conventional.
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    - Produced with PLA fibers derived from corn starch.  -  Tight  stock  management  due  to  likely  material   Elite Biotwine 100% Biodegradable
    - They are highly resistant                    degradation if storage conditions are not correct.
    - They do stand moisture well
    - Compostable and biodegradable rope for greenhouse.  - Price can be double the conventional ropes.
    - Botanical origin. It is a Bio-based material, coming from the plants.
    - Compatible with food.
    - To know how much does the material take to compost under industrial
    circumstances  (60-70  degrees  celcius  and  95%  humididty)  they  have
    made some tests with the help of “Wageningen University” in Holland.                                                            Gardener’s Pride- Netherlands
    - The result is that 99% is biodegraded in 8 weeks to microfibers. These                                                         ( Cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers)
    microfibers are mixed with soil and do not affect to animals or organisms.
    - It can be composted with the rest of organic waste from the crop
    - Same use as conventional ropes
    - Saves time and costs as it does not have to be removed
    - Helps with the growth of plants without contaminating the substrate
    - Over 200 years experience in the sector. More than 200 years manufactu-
    ring ropes, since 1803.

                                                                                                                                     Gemapa- Belgium              40
                                                                                                                                     ( Cultivation of peppers)
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