Page 42 - Catalog ITCS
P. 42

C/13                               Marko Päiväniemi (Export manager)
                                                                        Tél: +358 40 770 0514|
                                     PlastiRoll                         Email:                               FINLAND
                                Bioska 506 Packaging          
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Companies packaging fresh products ready for consumption (Eg: Salads, fruits, etc.).  Increases the value proposition for its support to the environment because it is compostable
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                  and recyclable.

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector

                                                   Companies that offer packaging solutions.                  Currently working in Spain and France but are willing to do so with more companies.
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                                                   - Entities fostering Circular Economy in general            - Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that
                  promote circular economy in general

                             Contribution to environmental impact                             Contribution to economic impact               Contribution to social impact
                         - Minimum environmental impact due to the use of compostable polymers   - Increases the value proposition of the product, due to its composta-  -  Easy  recycling  through  organic  matter
      Design for Circularity
      Maintenance/Repair   - At the end of its life, it decomposes in several months.       ble nature.                                    container (for composting)
      Reuse and recirculation
      Remanufacturing                                                                       -  There  is  no  big  initial  investment,  just  a  product  change  as  it  is   - Same features but with better environmental
                                                                                            designed for standard horizontal and vertical packaging machines.
      Revaluation                                                                                                                          impact
      Energy recovery
      Product as a Service

                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
                                                   [Information addressed to USER PACKING COMPANY in its   Bioska 506 Biofilm                       Empresa Abel & Cole- England
    [Information addressed to USER PACKING COMPANY in its production
    process, rather than to END CONSUMER]          production process, rather than to END CONSUMER]                                                        Vegetable packaging
                                                   - The price of the film is € 7.5/kg
    - Produced with bio-based polymers derived from corn.
    - Certificates EN13432 and ASTM D7081 on industrial compostability  - Substitution of the initial product with the new one,
    - At the end of its shelf life it descomposes in only a few months  made from compostable Biopolymers.
    - The ink is biodegradable.                    - The stored material does not degrade, but it can lose
    - Prevents condensation due to its breathable condition.  mechanical properties over time. It is recommended to use it
    - Packaging for IV Range and packaging in general.  within the first 6 months from the production date.
    - Extends the shelf life of the product. Dependind on the product: New   - Orders must be placed with les quantity and more      Kesko food Ltd-Finland
                                                                                                                                     Vegetable packaging
    potato  2-4 days;  Various  vegetables: up to  1 week (cabbage,  lettuce,   frequently.
    herbs, mushrooms, strawberries); Root vegetables: 1-2 weeks; Cherries:   - Works with most of the standard machines available in the
    up to 1 month.                                 market.
    - Biocompatible with both food and people.     - It is important to inform the final consumer that the
    - Company with experience in compostable films.  container to which it must be removed is the brown
                                                   container (for treatment of organic matter)
                                                   - Valid only for use in ambient or refrigerated tempe-
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