Page 14 - Catalog ITCS
P. 14

T.I./5                              Contact Name: Fernando SUSTAETA
                                                                        Phone: +34 610 734 272                                       BASQUE COUNTRY (SPAIN)
                                 GREENRESEARCH                          Web: under construction

      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   - Fish farms                                                Engineering solution for the integral production of fish and vegetables in autonomous and
                                                   - Vegetable producers                                       closed circuit, continuously reusing the resources generated to reintroduce them into the
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                   system and generate zero waste and zero pollution.

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector

                  Companies that offer technological solutions and
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in   Supermarkets, Hotels, Restaurants, Restoration, Collectives  Concept that allows the production of fish and vegetables in the same process.
                  other activities
                                                   - Schools                                                   - Opportunity to create a demonstrator of the feasability of the acuaponic system that
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Entities promoting Circular Economy in general  serves as an educational reference
                  promote circular economy in general                                                          - Good Practice Reference for Spreading in Your Territory

       Fit in Circular Economy                     Contribution to environmental impact  Contribution to economic impact                       Contribution to social impact
      Design for Circularity                        The  main  value  of  the  system  is  the  reduction  of  -  Perform  economies  of  water,  supplies  and  raw  materials.  Also  carry  out  transport  Fish  farms  and  horticulture  entities  can
      Maintenance/Repair                            water consumption and energy producing fish and  savings.                                  diversify  their  activity  with  this  solution.
      Reuse and recirculation                       vegetables. Production is local, in short circuits.                                       This could involve the integration of new
      Remanufacturing                               So,  Breen  Aquaponic  Systems  has  developed  an  - The engineering solution offers the opportunity to diversify its activity with the produc-  people (employment) with new skills
      Revaluation                                   engineering solution that can solve the overexploi-  tion of a quality product in the market, with food safety.  Public awareness of local and responsible
      Recycling                                     tation of the seas and the scarcity of farmland, as                                       consumption.
      Energy recovery                               well as sustainably managing water.                                                       It is a promising field with a lot of
      Product as a Service                                                                                                                    knowledge to develop, learn and expand.


                                                                                                                                   Breen Aquaponic Systems carried out the first industriali-
                                                     Depending  on  the  location,  the  climate,  the
   The  company  offers  a  proven  engineering  solution  in  the  market  that   quantity and quality of the water, the market   zation (located in Hondarribia - Gipuzkoa) on a produc-
   allows to produce fish and vegetables in an autonomous closed circuit,   and the volume of production, the investment            tion area of 6,000 m  and another of research and develo-
   where waste water from the fish farm is used for irrigation of vegetable   will be different. In each of the custom projects     pment  of  800  m .  The  company  on  which  this  first
   cultivation.                                      the concept will be the same but the execution                                installation was made is a producer of "tilapia" fish and
                                                     different in designs and costs.                                               vegetables.
   The proposal is to be sustainable in water, energy and food in aquaculture
   crops, continuously reusing the resources generated to reintroduce them
   into the system and generate zero waste and zero pollution.
   Aquaponics is the ideal method of cultivation in urban and peri-urban
   areas because it can be practiced indoors (wine cellar, veranda, garage),
   on terraces and roofs of buildings, on wasteland, and especially in areas
   where access to land is limited and expensive. As a result, the model is
   particularly suitable for the development of short circuits. The aquapo-
   nics thus promotes the development of a local economy and direct sales,
   thus limiting the costs and CO  emissions linked to transport.
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