Page 18 - Catalog ITCS
P. 18

Emmanuel TROUVE  (Managing Director)
                                    T.I./9                              Tél.  + 33 4 67 88 97 30
                                                                        Email:                          OCCITANIE (FRANCE)
                                                                        Nereus, low energy recycling of your effluents
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   -  Food  processing,  beverage  and  dairy  companies,  which  must  reduce  their  water  intake,   Néréus  provides  innovative  and  sustainable  solutions  for  the  recycling  of  effluents  such  as  slurry,
                                                   which want to recover ingredients from wash water to reduce the pollutant load of waste water   digestate and wastewater in industries and communities. Thanks to a ceramic disc membrane, Néréus
                  Agri-food sector companies       and produce biogas or polymers                              machines consume 5 times less energy to produce drinking quality water from waste water or slurry or
                                                   - Agricultural livestock breeders (for slurry), Mass and commercial catering  liquid by-products.
                                                                                                               Recovery of precious compounds (N, P, C) and basic components
                                                   - Producers of bioplastics or biopolymers                   Intensive processes for the production of PHAs from residual carbon sources
                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic   - Industrial laundries, swimming pools and ponds, hotels and camping on sites/areas lacking
                  outside the agri-food sector     water
                                                   Suppliers of upstream and downstream processing technology, operational partner.   - Energy efficiency & lower CAPEX for given performance
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and   Composting and methanisation platforms    - Very robust selective separations
                  services to the agri-food sector

                                                   - Companies developing circular economy solutions           - Liquid / fluid sorting technology to start a new activity
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in   - Developers and operators of eco-responsible habitat
                  other activities
                                                   - Water authorities and local authorities. Biogas producers, methanisers  - Short-term reduction in water use from natural resources, water cheaper than from the
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Entities promoting the Circular Economy in general
                  promote circular economy in general                                                          network, disinfected water without tertiary treatment
                                                                                                               - Benchmark of Best Practice for its dissemination in the territory.
       Fit in Circular Economy                     Contribution to environmental impact            Contribution to economic impact             Contribution to social impact
      Design for Circularity                        - Use of 5 to 10 times less energy per m  of recycled  - Sustainable water and waste water management: 85% extraction of drinking water  - Designed and built in Occitania: local
      Maintenance/Repair                            water from waste water            from effluent recovery                                  jobs
      Reuse and recirculation                       - Sustainable management of micropollutants  -  Simultaneous  in  situ  reduction  of  water  and  energy  consumption  for  sustainable   -  Training  and  skills  upgrading  for
      Remanufacturing                               - Zero discharge of liquid waste  buildings: preservation of natural water resources, low energy consumption (less than  workers and technicians
      Revaluation                                   -  Recovery  of  ingredients  and  energy  from  waste  10kWh/T for the 3 extraction stages)
      Recycling                                     water                             - For biogas producers and farmers: reduction or elimination of digestate/slurry volumes
      Energy recovery                               - In-situ processing              to be spread and stored, increase in profitability of their production unit or farm, practical
      Product as a Service                          - Sustainable biogas production   for farms whose spreading sites are too far away or which do not have enough spreading
                                                    - Aim to achieve water autonomy   area.
      VALUE PROPOSITION FOR                IMPLICATIONS FOR “END USER”                             PHOTOS / IMAGES                      REFERENCES ALREADY INTRODUCED
          “END USER”                                                                                                                            IN THE MARKET

   - Effluent recycling    - Easy to use, 100% connected for remote monitoring and control                                         Valordig range (concentration of digestates and
   -   Less   natural   water   - Lower treatment limit: 200 litres/hour (industry) or 40 IE (building)                            slurry):
   consumption             - Very compact and easily positioned on site, which minimises civil engineering                         EV6  ENERGY  (effluent  digestate)  (2.2T/h  treatment
   - Less dependence on water   work and further reduces environmental impacts                                                     capacity) – Pleuvezain (Dpt 88- France)
   needs                   - Very easy to increase capacity (+ 100% after 2 days of work)                                          Gaec  des  Moulins  de  Kerollet  (effluent  digestate)
   -  Efficient  recovery  of   - Return on investment within 5 years                                                               (2.2T/h treatment capacity) – Arzal (Dpt 56- France)
   valuable compounds
   -  Less  waste  and  energy                                                                                                     Gamme range (waste water recycling):
   production                                                                                                                      Maison de Steven restaurant (grey water) – Anvers
   -  Easy  to  convert  to  a                                                                                                     (Belgium)
   circular economy
                                                                                                                                   Néostep  range  (waste  water  treatment  and/or
                                                                                                                                   Aria Foods (dairy water) (19 m /h treatment capaci-
                                                                                                                                   ty)-Rødkærsbro (Denmark)
                                                                                                                                   Hennig Olsen Ice (ice cream factory water) (10 m /h
                                                                                                                                   treatment capacity) – Kristiansand (Norway)
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