Page 21 - Catalog ITCS
P. 21

Véronique PEREZ   (Managing Director)
                                    T.I./12                             Tlf: + 33  6 07 14 31 47
                                                                        Email:                  NOUVELLE AQUITAINE (FRANCE)
                                                                        “Unleash the energy of your biowaste”
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   - All companies in the agri-food industry generating organic waste including meat products  Micro  methanisation:  On-site  integrated  treatment  solution  in  containers:  hygienisation,
                                                   - Collective catering (school restaurants, central cooking facilities...)   production of electricity and heat, standardised compost product, industrial water
                                                   - Wholesale food market (Market of National Interest)
                  Agri-food sector companies
                                                   - Food superstores
                                                   - Farms: treatment of manure and slurry from livestock production
                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector
                                                   The company is not looking for an investor but is interested in finding distribution outlets in  Interest  for  distributors  is  to  be  able  to  promote  and  sell  a  turnkey  micro-methanisation
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and   Spain.                                   solution to provide a treatment solution as close as possible to the places where bio-waste is
                  services to the agri-food sector
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                                                   - Local authorities having either the competence for waste treatment or in charge of the  - A local treatment solution with reduced collection at the city outskirts, thus ensuring a
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   management of schools and their waste – Regulatory obligation from 10 Tons per year  reduced  collection  cost  and  promoting  social  and  community  acceptance  that  takes  into
                  promote circular economy in general  - Entities promoting the Circular Economy in general   account the ecological and energy transition.
                                                                                                              - Benchmark of Best Practice for its dissemination in the territory.
       Fit in Circular Economy                     Contribution to environmental impact           Contribution to economic impact              Contribution to social impact
      Design for Circularity                        - Producer of renewable energy to renew the image  -Substitution of a collection/treatment cost by an on-site treatment cost  - Local waste management
                                                                                                                                              -  Compliance  with  the  law  by  creating
      Maintenance/Repair                            of the waste producer.                                                                    local  business  and  outlets  for  the
      Reuse and recirculation                                                         -  Guaranteed  electricity  income  in  France  under  the  renewable  energy  purchase   produced compost
      Remanufacturing                               -  Reduction  of  the  carbon  footprint  of  waste  obligations over 20 years at €175/MWh  - Establishment of an integrated solution
      Revaluation                                   collection: allows the treatment of bio-waste within                                      in  the  territory  providing  bio-waste
      Recycling                                     a radius of less than 5 km from its production site.                                      management and energy production with
      Energy recovery                                                                                                                         small units that are easily installed and
      Product as a Service                          - CO  producer from biomass.                                                              socially accepted.
                                                                                                                                          REFERENCES ALREADY INTRODUCED
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
  Micro-methanisation  solution  to  provide  a   - Implementation of a separate flow of organic waste often                      - A BioBeeBox® with a 100 Tons capacity per year of
  treatment  solution  as  close  as  possible  to   in operation in the agri-food industry                                       biowaste  installed  at  MIN  (wholesale  market)  of
  the places where bio-waste is produced   - Adoption of the sorting step for communities by separating                           Bordeaux (33) since July 2017.
  -  Compactness,  safety,  pollution  control,   the flow of organics separated from OMs
  ease of use                           - High price:                                                                             - A BioBeeBox® with a 300 Tons capacity per year in
  - State-guaranteed energy income in place   €200 K to €700 K (treatment solution for deposits ranging                           the town of Vitry-sur-Seine (94) for managing food
  of collection and treatment costs     from 80 to 1000 tons/year)                                                                waste for 40 school groups in the town.
  -  Positioning  the  user  as  a  player  in  the   - Amortisation in less than 6 years
  environmental and energy transition   - Size: 2 x 20-foot sea containers
  - Use of compost in the green areas of the
  - Reduced CO  impact on end users.
  -  Miniaturised  networked  methanisation
  plant  (remote  process  control,  sends  daily
  operating  report,  signals  alarms  and  alerts
  on mobiles)
  - Over 20 years lifetime

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