Page 26 - Catalog ITCS
P. 26

Kenta Ishikawa (Tokyo Office Director)  Tlf: +00-81-85-328-2858
                                    T.I./17                             Email:
                                                                        Martin Nozomu (Representative for USA and Europe)                   JAPaN
                                   KENDENSHA                            Email:
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Companies that generate waste flows with low suspended solids content:  - An equipment for separating the solid fraction from the liquid fraction, with the capacity to
                                                   - Cattle and pig farms                                      efficiently and cheaply separate the suspended solids present in the waste
                  Agri-food sector companies
                                                   - Food processing companies (slaughterhouses, freezers, canneries, etc.)  - It is necessary to do a prior characterisation with a portable equipment

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector
                                                   Companies supplying waste management equipment for the agri-food sector  -  Opportunity  to  incorporate  KDS  equipment  into  the  catalogue  (KDS  is  interested  in
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and   Engineering/consultancy  firms  advising  or  designing  waste  management  facilities  in  the   opening market in Europe, and open to Distribution Agreements).
                  services to the agri-food sector  agri-food sector.                                          - Logical process: 1st Collaboration agreement with engineering or equipment supplier (
                                                                                                               they  would  make  the  sale,  installation,  maintenance),  2nd  Manufacturing  License
                                                                                                               Agreement or Joint Venture with local manufacturing partner here.
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   Entities fostering Circular Economy in general  Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region
                  promote circular economy in general
       Fit in Circular Economy                     Contribution to environmental impact           Contribution to economic impact              Contribution to social impact
      Design for Circularity                        -  Minimises  the  impact  of  high  moisture  - Allows the economic recovery of the solid fraction of the waste  - Minimises the impact of waste as it
      Maintenance/Repair                            waste  as  it  facilitates  individualised  handling  of                                  is processed as soon as it is generated,
      Reuse and recirculation                       each stream after separation (liquid and solid)  - Avoids the need to transport waste far away for treatment (dumping in the field,  reducing the level of emissions into the
      Remanufacturing                                                                 processing, etc)                                        atmosphere.
      Revaluation                                   -  It  allows  to  provide  a  solution  in  situ  to  the
      Recycling                                     generation  of  waste  without  having  to  resort  to
      Energy recovery                               specialised companies
      Product as a Service

                                                                                                                                          REFERENCES ALREADY INTRODUCED
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    -  Proprietary  equipment  for  solid/liquid  separation  of  waste   -  Allows  to  obtain  sludge  with  25-30  %  solid   They have a small portable testing equipment that allows to   100 references in livestock, 90 in public managers, 90 in
    streams                                         matter (suitable for intensive composting)  evaluate the adequacy of each waste to this solution  agri-food companies, 40 in waste managers, etc.
    - Technical separation principle different from conventional (rotary               .
    multidisc system)                               - Farm case 8,000 fattening pigs:
    - Vast experience in processing waste from the agri-food industry             Generate 34 m /d slurry
    and farms                                                 KDS Equipment: € 26,000
    - No need for coagulants (for primary separations) or with coagu-            Electricity cost: € 15/ month
    lants (for refining separations)
    - Allows to recover the sludge generated by composting
    - 900 units installed in Japan (about 30 each year)
    - It has CE marking
    - Adjustable disc spacing, allowing better solids retention
    (or processing more flow for the same solids retention rate)
    - Product range for processing between 5 and 60 m /d (depending on
    the concentration of suspended solids and the desired retention level)

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