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C/2                               ISANATUR
                                                                        Tlf: 948 34 04 57|
                                   ISANATUR S.L                         Email:                                        NAVARRe (spain)
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                                                                               As Isanatur's raw materials are the waste products of an oil mill, when acquiring Isanatur's
                                                   Bakeries, Companies that produce and sell drinks, meat and fish that use high value nutritional   products they acquire products aligned with the Circular Economy. Thus, the products recove-
                  Agri-food sector companies       ingredients in their production process                     red by Isanatur are integrated into the food matrix of bakery, beverage, meat and fish.
                                                                                                               They provide quality products with high added value to be used as ingredients from zero waste
                                                                                                               processes and organic origin in the production of products such as vegan burgers.
                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic   Companies in the health sector, in the use of products for cosmetics and massages.  As Isanatur's raw materials are the waste products of an oil mill, when acquiring Isanatur's products they
                  outside the agri-food sector                                                                 acquire products aligned with the Circular Economy. ISANATUR is working to expand its product range
                                                   - Distribution companies (department stores and traditional distribution)  Throughout the production process, its laboratory carries out continuous analysis and checks, controlling
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and   - Distribution companies for the food industry  the levels of fatty acids and polyphenols at all stages of the process, ensuring a constant high level of
                  services to the agri-food sector  - Distribution companies for the health sector (massages...)  Isanatur's products are focused on the international market (UK, Japanese and North American).
                                                                                                               Isanatur is open to business partnerships with companies that facilitate the entry of their products into
                                                                                                               these markets.
                                                   Investment  companies  looking  for  opportunities  to  diversify  and  create  new  business   Isanatur is open to new investors or industrial partners who provide market access/capacity or equity for its
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in   activities that are committed to innovative processes in traditional industries and the HEALTH   business.  It  is  a  quite  recently  created  company  with  an  enormous  scope,  very  attractive  due  to  its
                                                                                                               uniqueness and extraction patent.
                  other activities                 sector.                                                     One of the goals of Isanatur's project is to promote its integral implementation (technology and products)
                                                                                                               in the main olive oil producing countries in Europe (Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece).
                                                   - R&D Centres working on new solutions for the agri-food sector  - Isanatur seeks to develop new processes and technologies for the extraction of high value products
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Organisations, collectives and promoters related to the subject of interest of the project:   - Reference of Best Practice. Isanatur's business model is an inspiring model that is best described in the
                  promote circular economy in general                                                          below pattern: Full conservation of the value of a raw material, recovering by-products with high added
                                                   Circular Economy, waste recovery...                         value whose process is zero waste, seeking financing and partners for the development of the project,
                                                                                                               patent registration, industrial development of the process and products and highly qualified personnel
   Fit in Circular Economy   Contribution to environmental impact             Contribution to economic impact                 Contribution to social impact
                         - Environmentally sustainable and raw material friendly production process  - Isanatur's business model not only preserves the full value of the material   -  Isanatur  is  committed  to  the  economic  development  of  the  area,
      Design for Circularity  - No chemical additives, no destructive processes and no waste  and  avoids  the  cost  of  managing  it  as  waste,  but  also  generates  high   generating wealth and quality employment
      Maintenance/Repair   - Oil extraction is carried out using C0  supercritical extraction technology, which   value-added products.   - Improving people's health by bringing to market products with properties
      Reuse and recirculation  is an innovative, clean and environmentally friendly technology (does not genera-  - The economic potential of the EcoPROLIVE brand products is very high.   tested  by independent  studies, they  are ideal for  celiac and gluten-free
      Remanufacturing    te waste or gaseous pollutants)                      Spanish oil production accounts for 44% of world production and 62% of   diets, for people with diabetes, for people with skin care problems such as
      Revaluation                                                             European production. The food market is becoming increasingly complex   eczema, or with gastrointestinal and/or heart health problems.
      Recycling                                                               and customers demand certain properties in the products among which the
      Energy recovery                                                         health benefit stands out. Olives are nutritious fruits with a wide range of
      Product as a Service                                                    health benefits.

                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    ISANATUR is a specialist in the production, marketing and distribution of   In general, EcoPROLIVE products are recommended   Pitting  machine  (the  biggest  Laboratory   EcoPROLIVE  are  fully  commercial  products  on  the
                                                                                                                  (acidity titration)
                                                                                           difference with other oil mills)
    high-value  nutritional  ingredients  for  use  in  dietary  supplements  and   for  the  regeneration  and  care  of  skin  (irritations,   market.
    functional foods.                              eczema, nail care, massages...) and cardiovascular
    Its products are marketed under the EcoPROLIVE brand.  and gastrointestinal health.                                              PREBIOFENOL product has received the award for the
                                                                                                                                     most innovative ingredient at GULFOOD Dubai, and has
    ISANATUR uses technologies such as Supercritical CO  extraction with   Some of EcoPROLIVE's products :                           been nominated for Product of the Year 2019 at Free
    raw materials rich in antioxidants (Olive, Grape, others).                                                                       From Food Barcelona.
                                                   - Prebiotic fibre rich in polyphenols; 100% dehydra-
                                                   ted olive pulp
                                                                                                                                     There are no other known cases that make an integral
                                                                                                                                     processing  of  the  olive  as  Isanatur.  Their  process  is
                                                   - Extra virgin olive oil (different varieties: cornicabra,                        patented  and  they  are  pioneers  at  an  international
                                                   arroniz and picual)                                                               level.
                                                   - Olive extract. Essential olive oil (olea europea).
                                                   - Seasoning. Olive spices (based on dehydrated olive

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