Page 29 - Catalog ITCS
P. 29


        We now present the 16 references of Consumables identified by ORHI in SUMMARY SHEET format.

        In the below TABLE we specify for each one of the identified Consumables, their location, the entity that has been the source of their identification and a brief description.
        In the subsequent slides we provide a summary sheet for each one of them, where besides reflecting the “value” that the solution offers to the different ORHI Stakeholders, we also provide a contact
        person of the company to get in touch if you wish to obtain further details and/or request additional information.

                                       CONSUMABLES                             SHORT DESCRIPTION

                              IT                 LOCATION           SOURCE OF IDENTIFICATION                                                        PÁG.

                        1   SMURFIT KAPPA (mulching)           Navarre   Ain  Paper-based agricultural mulch solution                               30
                        2   ISANATUR          Navarre            Ain  Nutritional ingredients from the recovery of by-products from a zero-waste oil mill  31
                        3   OLEOFAT           Navarre            Ain  Oil products from the processing of vegetable oils                            32
                        4   PENTABIOL          Navarre            Ain     Animal feed that improves their health and avoids the preventive use of antibiotics  33
                        5   APEEL SCIENCES         USA
                                                                    Plant-based coatings that extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables

                     BEYOND ORHI           8 BIOBAG (mulching)             Norway     MCX Bi    Bioplastic-based agricultural mulch solution        36

                                                                    Hydrogel injected into the soil that increases moisture retention and improves plant performance
                        6   mOASIS
                                                     MCX Bi
                        7   PLASTIROLL (mulching)           Finland
                                                                    Bioplastic-based agricultural mulch solution
                                                      MCX Bi
                          9 SILVEX (mulching)              Portugal
                                                                    Bioplastic-based agricultural mulch solution
                                                                    Bioplastic-based agricultural mulch solution
                                                      MCX Bi
                        10 MATER BI (mulching)            Italy
                                                                    Bioplastic-based rope solution for greenhouses
                        11 LANKHORST (rope)          Netherlands            MCX Bi
                        12 PACK BENEFIT (packaging)  Spain
                                                                    Bioplastic-based food packaging solution
                        13 PLASTIROLL (packaging)       Finland
                                                      MCX Bi
                                                                    Bioplastic-based food packaging solution
                        14 FRESCO (packaging)       Spain
                        15 TIPA (packaging)            Israel           MCX Bi       Bioplastic-based food packaging solution                       42
                                                                    Bioplastic-based food packaging solution
                                                      MCX Bi
                        16 SIRANE (packaging)        UK              MCX Bi  Bioplastic-based food packaging solution                               45
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34