Page 27 - Catalog ITCS
P. 27

T.I./18                             Eben Bayer (Director, Cofounder)
                                                                        Tlf: +00-1-518-273-3753 Ext. 1001
                                    ECOVATIVE                           Email:                                     usa
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Food companies (especially mushroom producers) interested in diversifying activities.   - Opportunity to enhance organic matter by-products in new products (packaging, furniture,
                                                                                                               etc.). It is recommended that they go with a partner with knowledge about industrial transfor-
                  Agri-food sector companies
                                                                                                               mation processes of materials. ECOVATIVE is interested in having a production centre in Spain
                                                                                                               or France.
                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic
                  outside the agri-food sector
                                                   Suppliers of protective packaging, willing to move from synthetic to biodegradable material.  - Opportunity to diversify and create a new product line. ECOVATIVE is interested in having
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and                                             a production centre in Spain or France.
                  services to the agri-food sector

                                                   Companies interested in creating new activities aligned with the Circular Economy, through   - Opportunity to diversify and create a new business activity. ECOVATIVE is interested in
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities                 the technology transfer of another company in another country.  having a production centre in Spain or France.
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Entities fostering Circular Economy in general.  - Benchmark of Good Practice to spread in its region.
                  promote circular economy in general
       Fit in Circular Economy                     Contribution to environmental impact           Contribution to economic impact              Contribution to social impact
      Design for Circularity                        -  Contributes  to  sustainable  development,  -  Spain  and  France  are  two  countries  particularly  feasible  for  this  type  of  - Selected by Fast Company as one
      Maintenance/Repair                            substituting  synthetic materials for  biodegradable  solution due to the abundance of raw materials: mushrooms, forest resources (pine,   of the 10 most innovative companies in
      Reuse and recirculation                       ones.                             eucalyptus) and agricultural resources (straw, hemp, etc.).  the world for the social welfare.
      Revaluation                                   - Encourages the cultivation of plants benefi-
      Recycling                                     cial for the soil (such as hemp), whose wastes are
      Energy recovery                               more reusable
      Product as a Service
                                                    - Buried waste takes 30 days to decompose
                                                                                                                                          REFERENCES ALREADY INTRODUCED
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    - Bio-manufacturing to obtain compostable materials (protective   -  Minimum  production  to  make  the  investment   Semi-finished product in the production process.  DELL protective packaging
    packaging, structural elements of furniture, acoustics, buildings, etc.)  profitable:  5,000  panels/year  of  1  m   x  1  cm
    - It uses myceliums from various types of fungi and agricultural   (thickness)
    waste (straw, wood shavings, leaves, etc.) previously pasteurised
    - By mixing these raw materials, the mycelium generates a very resistant   - Investment in machinery: € 400,000
    organic fabric which, after cooking and drying, generates the end product
    - Growing conditions must be strict: temperature between 18°C and   -Need to improve the industrialisation of the
    28°C  under  plastic  protection,  light  intensity  100  luxes  (gloom)  and   production process (too handcrafted).
    moisture between 60 and 90 %.
    -  They  produce  protective  packaging  for  DELL  computers  and                                                           Inner door core
    IKEA furniture
    - Various items for the furniture sector (chair parts, doors, etc.)
    - 2 allied companies in Europe: CNC Exotic Mushrooms (distribu-
    tes the raw materials) and Krown Design (manufacture their products
    with mycelium)
    - Company interested in having a production centre in Spain or
                                                                                                                                                       Chair backrest
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