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                                      C/3                               Laura Sánchez Zamorano (R&D Director)
                                                                        Tlf: Planta +34 948 415 873| Quality Department  +34 948 415 887      NAVARRe (spain)
                                 OLEOFAT TRADER S.L                     Email:
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Food companies in the vegetable oil sector (sunflower, rape, olive, pomace, soya and grape   - Oleofat offers the recovery of oil by-products from the production processes of these companies
                                                                                                               in two ways: Generation of a more sustainable source of fuel and Recovery of high value added
                                                   seed) and other products that generate oil by-products (Spanish and European (France, Italy)  compounds  (tocopherols,  sterols,  squalene,  acylglycerols  and  fatty  acids)  to  be  used  in  the
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                   cosmetic, chemical and food and feed industry.
                                                                                                               - One can acquire secondary oil products from Oleofat that come from the recovery of by-products
                                                                                                               from the food industry.

                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic   Companies in the cosmetics or pharmacy sector  The acquisition of Deoleo's advanced facilities sees the commencement of a new phase in which it
                  outside the agri-food sector                                                                 is committed to diversification and the production of active ingredients for the food, cosmetics and
                                                                                                               pharmaceutical markets.
                                                   Sustainable biodiesel companies                             At Oleofat, oil by-products are conditioned and purified to obtain oil products that are sold
                  Companies that offer technological solutions and
                  services to the agri-food sector                                                             mainly to industries producing sustainable biodiesel.
                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities
                                                   - R&D Centres working on new solutions for the agri-food sector  - Open to collaboration in R&D projects linked to new ways of using and recovering oil by-products
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Related organisations, groups and promoters: Circular Economy, biodiesel, food   beyond sustainable biodiesel (such as for functional foods and food supplements).
                  promote circular economy in general  supplements                                             - It is a best practice of Circular Economy (for the recovery of by-products)

   Fit in Circular Economy   Contribution to environmental impact                     Contribution to economic impact                 Contribution to social impact
                         - Carbon footprint reduction                               Biodiesel generated from oil waste has the following advantages:  -  Local  development  of  the  area,  local  employment
      Design for Circularity  - Less polluting emissions:                           - It improves the balance of payments as it avoids the purchase of oil from  generation, Oleofat is committed to the economic develop-
      Maintenance/Repair   52% less particulate matter                              foreign countries.                               ment  of  the  Ribera  de  Navarre  region,  generating  many
                                                                                    - Waste is made profitable by recovering it and increasing the profitability of  synergies with other businesses: transport, services, auxiliary
      Reuse and recirculation  99% less SO  because it does not contain sulphur     the supply and transformation chain.             industry, etc
                         90% less aromatic hydrocarbons
      Remanufacturing    63% less unburned hydrocarbons                             - It promotes a robust local industry compared to large multinationals.  -  The  start-up  of  the  plant  expansion  will  create  about  10
      Revaluation        22% less CO because biodiesel is more oxygenated           - It generates employment and diversifies the economy.  direct jobs and as many indirect ones, and there are plans to
                                                                                    Taxes on this waste are a new way of collecting money for the Revenue  set  up  another  division  devoted  to  the  processing  of
      Recycling          45% less CO 2                                              Agency.                                          vegetable oil derivatives where 25 more jobs are estimated.
      Energy recovery    - Better combustion in the engines: As biodiesel has 11% more oxygen it therefore has a better cetane       - On the other hand, society is demanding a large quantity of
      Product as a Service  - Biodegradable fuel. Degrades 99% in 28 days           Also, the marketing of the new products that Oleofat is working on will  cosmetics,  healthy  foods  and  supplements  from  natural
                                                                                    improve the company's income, as they are highly valued by the market (high  sources that improve people's health and quality of life, which
                         - Oleofat also has certified and audited the traceability of the waste and by-products it processes. This   value-added compounds: tocopherols, sterols, squalene, acylglycerols and  is  why  Oleofat's  products  are  very  well  accepted  by  the
                         audit complies with the European sustainability regulations through ISCC certification.  fatty acids)        society in general.

                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
                                                 Oleofat sells its products made from the recovery of oil by-pro-
    Oleofat is a company dedicated to the use of oil by-products from the                                                            Some of the technology used by Oleofat is implemen-
    chemical  and  physical  refining  of  vegetable  oils  (sunflower,  rape,   ducts  to  the  biodiesel  industry.  Drawing  on  the  company's   ted in other companies on an international level, and
    olive, pomace, soya and grape seed) to obtain oil products for two   expertise and experience, the new business model seeks to add   some  is  proprietary  technology  developed  by  the
    main purposes:                               value to part of this waste with the aim of placing other high                      company.
                                                 value-added  products  on  the  market  from  exclusively
                                                 vegetable sources from the agri-food industry, such as                              Oleofat has developed its own working methods and
    - Fuels (biodiesel)                                                                                                              procedures for the recovery of waste in order to obtain
                                                 - Tocopherols: (vitamin E) Powerful antioxidant with properties
                                                 in high demand in health and beauty products                                        fat.
    -  Extraction  of  high  value-added  compounds  for  the  cosmetic,
    chemical, food and feed industries.          - Sterols: (phytosterols) Used to control cholesterol levels.                       - Productos LEA, obtains fatty acids by distillation.
                                                 -  Squalane:  cardioprotective,  anti-tumor,  immune  system
                                                 catalyst and with detoxifying power, in addition to possessing                      - Lasenor, manufactures food emulsifiers.
                                                 antioxidant, moisturizing and protective properties of the skin                     -  Vitae  Naturals,  dedicated  to  the  extraction  and
                                                 - Acylglycerols and                                                                 marketing of vitamin E.
                                                 - Fatty acids that will be sold primarily to cosmetics, pharma-
                                                 ceutical or food companies.                                                         Internationally  we  can  mention  current  customers
                                                                                                                                     such as Sophim (France), Silohealth (Italy), Framelgo
                                                                                                                                     (Netherlands) and Palsgaard (Denmark).
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