Page 20 - Catalog ITCS
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                                    T.I./11                             Dirección : 10 rue des usines • 44100 NANTES
                                                                        Tlf: +33 (0)2 85 52 43 23                                           francE
                                     NAODEN                             Email:
      TO WHOM IT OFFERS VALUE AND WHAT VALUE        To whom                                                      What value
                                                   Agro-industry.                                              Naoden  recycles  biowaste  to  produce  electricity  and  heat  through  its  own  bioenergy
                  Agri-food sector companies                                                                   plants.

                                                   Various sectors with biomass waste                          Biomass gasification is a process that uses plant material such as wood to extract a synthe-
                  Companies that process organic matter and plastic                                            sis gas after a thermochemical reaction. The transformation process takes place in a reactor
                  outside the agri-food sector                                                                 in four successive stages which are drying, pyrolysis, oxidation and reduction.

                  Companies that offer technological solutions and                                             Develop internationally (Spain to be explored)
                  services to the agri-food sector

                  Companies that want to invest (or diversify) in
                  other activities

                                                   - Local authorities that generate wood waste                - Recycling of biosourced waste to generate electricity
                  Local authorities, R&D centres, entities that   - Entities promoting the Circular Economy in general  - Energy recovery.
                  promote circular economy in general
                                                                                                               - Benchmark of best practices for propagation in its territory
       Fit in Circular Economy                     Contribution to environmental impact           Contribution to economic impact              Contribution to social impact
      Design for Circularity                        Multistage  positive  Naoden  micro-cogeneration  Transforming locally available waste into energy, all of which can be fully recovered on  Solution that creates local employment.
      Maintenance/Repair                            solution:                         site, with a reduction in the energy bill, a reduction in the carbon footprint and a revitali-
      Reuse and recirculation                       - Promotes energy transition.     sation of the local economy.
      Remanufacturing                               - Reduction and control of the energy bill.
      Revaluation                                   - Neutral carbon balance on the equipment side.
      Recycling                                     - Reduction of CO  emissions in project
      Energy recovery                                  management (promotes local product).
      Product as a Service

                                                                                                                                          REFERENCES ALREADY INTRODUCED
                                                                                                                                                 IN THE MARKET
    -  Electricity  and  heat  production  based  on  the   - Micro-cogeneration < 100 kWe,
    principle of cogeneration with the IMPERIUM power                                                                             NAODEN has installed an IMPERIUM power plant in Vertou
    plant (160 kWth / 90 kWel).         Fuel type: Forest chips, wood waste class A, pallets/palox, pruning                       (44) at the Côteaux Nantais site.
                                        wood, fruit stones, fruit shells, olive pomace. Under research: CSR,
    -  Production  of  heat  only  based  on  the  burner   step sludge, class B wood waste, marine plastic.                      Community of municipalities Pays du Haut Val d’Alzette (57).
    principle with the NOBILIS power plant (330 kWth).                                                                              Kerval  Centre  Armor,  a  waste  recovery  association  at  the
                                        Fuel size: < 80 mm
    - Positioned on the micro-cogeneration market,   Maximum moisture: 20 %                                                       Côtes d'Armor centre (22).
    i.e. below 100 kWe, Naoden has chosen co-current   Fine rate: < 30 %
    fixed bed technology (Downdraft) for its gasification   Wood consumption: 0.78 kg/kWhel                                         Eolyo, commissioning of a Biomass cogeneration plant at the
    unit.                               Nominal gas flow rate: 186 m³/h                                                           Safran site in Tarnos (64).
                                        Net heating value of gas: 1.42 kWh/m³
    - Services to finance the project to set up a
    bioenergy  plant,  to  provide  maintenance  and   - Unit Dimensions (Width/Length/Hight)
    after-sales service or to train the "end user" teams   UGZ : 1.2 x 3.6 x 3 m
    on  site  in  the  routine  maintenance  of  the  various   UFL : 1.2 x 4.2 x 3 m
    control parameters.                 UPE : 1.2 x 4.2 x 3 m
                                        UTO : 0.6 x 1.0 x 5.0 m
    - Parallel operation of the units is able to obtain
    900 kW electrical power.                                                                                                                                      20
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